INBAR Conference

Welcome to the International Conference on Bamboo Development in Southern Countries

Address: Auditorium Wilson de Souza Lopes, Universidad Mackenzie, – Rua Piauí, nº 143 – 11º floor, São Paulo/SP, Brazil

Date: December 5-6th, Venue: Mackenzie University, São Paulo


Join us at the International Conference on Bamboo Development in Southern Countries, where we explore the immense potential of bamboo in addressing poverty, creating jobs, and managing the environment. With a global market estimated at USD 70 billion, bamboo’s role is more critical than ever.

Bamboo is deeply rooted in the cultures of Asia, Africa, and Latin America, and countries like China have successfully used it for green economic development and environmental management.

In Latin America, there’s significant potential with 15 million hectares of bamboo forests. Despite its traditional use, countries like Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, and Uruguay are increasingly recognizing bamboo’s potential.


Our conference will focus on three key areas:


  • Discuss government policies impacting the bamboo industry.
  • Explore strategies for sustainable bamboo cultivation.
  • Identify the role of government in supporting bamboo research.


  • Showcase bamboo-based products and their impact on local economies.
  • Address challenges and opportunities for bamboo production and processing.
  • Encourage investments in bamboo enterprises.


  • Highlight technological advancements in bamboo processing and applications.
  • Share research findings related to bamboo’s properties and sustainability.
  • Promote collaboration between academia and industry for bamboo research.

Register For The Conference Below